Finding That Perfect Tree

Finding that Perfect Tree: A Tradition of Family & Memories

One of my favorite memories is of my family’s tradition of finding that perfect tree. We always cut down our Christmas tree. Grandpa, Grandma, Uncles, Aunts and Cousins would all join in the fun. The day was solely about getting together and spending quality time with one another. The trees were just a bonus.

A Family Tradition in the Mountains

It was always a Sunday morning after church. We would hurry home, put on warm clothes and snow boots and drive up the Sangre de Cristo mountains to our family ranch in the small town of Rociada, NM. The untouched land, the fresh smell of the pine trees and the quietness of the mountains felt like we were far away from reality.

The hike involved trudging through the crisp white snow up the mountain for an hour or two scouting for a good-looking evergreen to cut down. There were no perfect trees, but they were all beautiful.

With my dad’s help, we took turns using the saw to cut the tree down. My dad would pull the tree down the mountain on a large sled while we all sang Christmas carols. Sometimes the best part of the holidays are the days and traditions leading up to it.  ~ Kristina


Make Your Own Memories and Traditions

The National Forest Service sells permits for Christmas tree cutting or visit one of the many tree farms in Colorado to find that perfect tree.


Photo credit: Creative Commons Family Cutting Down ChristmasTree Vormittag Tree Farm by Steven Depolo is licensed under CC BY 2.0