Outdoor Living

Outdoor Living Inspiration and Transformations

As the weather warms I am so excited to spend more time  outdoor living on my patio. I know many of you are itching to dust off your lounge chairs as well. Perhaps you’re like me and your outdoor space needs more than some dusting. This year I added a new outdoor rug, replaced my faded pillows with some bright punches of color, and the stained white cushion covers are getting redone.

If you’re looking for some inspiration for your outdoor space I don’t think anything is more motivating (or fun!) than some good ol’ fashioned before and after photos. Below I’ve collected just a few that inspired me. I’m especially drawn to those that show a vibrant change with just furniture and accessories. I love them because they are so accessible – anyone can pull them off with a few trips to the garden and home stores – no contractors or heavy equipment needed. Kudos to these bloggers for their hard work and makeover success!


Riverside Retreat: A Patio Makeover with Stencils

I think this first one, Riverside Retreat, is my favorite. The stencils are fantastic and such a creative solution to an ugly patio.


Private Oasis: A Privacy Fence and String Lights

Here’s another fantastic transformation from Jessica at whitepicketfarmhouse.com. The best part is the privacy fence that doubles as a great place to string lights. Check out the full story on Jessica’s blog and see how she takes this tired deck to a whole new level.


Stencils: The Latest Outdoor Trend

Speaking of stencils – they are EVERYWHERE. I guess stencils are the new black on outdoor reveals these days. To see a bunch of stencil makeovers click here.


Furniture Makes the Space: From Blah to Wow!

This last one is sponsored by Walmart and The DIY Playbook blog. It’s a great example of what a difference furniture and accessories can make! See this deck go from blah to wow! in the deck reveal post.


More Outdoor Living Inspiration

Of course, there are tons more where these ideas came from – these are just a few I found today. To see some other really amazing transformations check out HGTVs Before and After series as well as Southern Living’s take on before and after porch makeovers.

Until next time…. stay safe and healthy.

— Alexis